Wednesday, June 4, 2014

AG day animals

Many people probably don't know that we can all now get our AG day animals. Isn't that exciting! Aren't you excited? Because I know I am, a lot! Tell me in a comment in what your planning on getting or hope to have for AG day. Well I know that I will defiantly be getting a lamb from my Uncle Dean in the Waikato. I will probably get one a little earlier because his daughters also known as my cousins Briar,Gemma and Erica have gone to collage.So they now have no AG day. Instead of getting one after all three of them. Now I can get one first because I'm the only one needing one this year. If I could Get a lamb of my choice it would have to be a little cute lamb with little brown spots in places all over it.

Good luck by Brooke Hamilton 


  1. Hi Brooke,
    What a great piece of writing to start with. You have made your excitment come through in the way you have written your story. What do you think you will name your lamb?
    Miss Thomas

  2. Brooke you used good description and I am wondering what you will write next.

  3. Brooke, you used great punctuation. I would get a lamb that looked like a panda and call it panda. You included lots of information. I can't wait to see what you write next.
